

Livestream indicates, that the talk will be live streamed.

Topic Level Language Time Room
Git have seen a console before German, English on request 12:20 E009
Livestream KI intuitiv erklärt No prior math knowledge necessary German 12:20 E023
Smartphone Privacy Guide (iOS + Android) no prior knowledge German, English on request 13:00 E009
Livestream Open Source Licenses no prior knowledge German, English on request 14:00 E023
LaTeX no prior knowledge German, English on request 14:00 E010
Livestream Regular Expressions no prior knowledge German, English on request 15:00 E023
Nextbike API and advanced support TBA TBA 15:00 E010


Git or And which version was the one with the bugfix again? As a computer science student, you are bound to ask yourself these and similar questions sooner or later. Unless you use Git!

Notice A laptop is recommended (allows you to try things out directly)

KI intuitiv erklärt

Not many things have changed our everyday lives as much as the current advances in AI. Every one of us and their mother has heard of Transformer models like ChatGPT. But what do you do to make a machine human and intelligent? I hereby invite you on an adventure into the core of what it actually means to learn, and what we do to make it possible for a machine to learn.

Smartphone Privacy Guide (iOS + Android)

If you use your smartphone a lot and want to do something about annoying advertising and tracking, then come along. We'll show you tools and settings to improve your privacy.

Notice Smartphones appreciated. iOS and Android possible

Open Source Licenses

Open source is used by everyone these days, but even such software needs licenses. Whether MIT, Apache 2 or GPL 3, there are licenses for open source with many different conditions and variations. In this presentation, you will find out exactly what they mean and what you need to bear in mind.


LaTeX is like Word, only better. Whether you use it for scientific papers in your studies or for much wackier things: You'll need it.

Notice Laptops recommended (otherwise no hands-on testing)

Regular Expressions

Have you always wanted to learn magic spells that allow you to search text quickly and flexibly? If so, attend this talk to learn more about one of the most illegible languages in computer science.

Notice Laptops optional, trying out with a smartphone is also possible

Nextbike API and advanced support