That's it. Vielen Dank für eine großartige ESE. Wir brauchen euer Feedback: Wie waren die Livestreams? War das ESE-Spiel fair? Sollte Manuel öfters singen? Braucht ihr mehr Nerd101's? Wie fandet ihr die Veranstaltungen? Lob, Kritik und liebe Worte gesucht! Feedback

Unsere Do-it-yourself Stadtführung ist online. / Our do-it-yourself city tour is online. Check-in


Friday, October 20

We have added the information about the ESE game. Thanks to Jannusch. 🤗

Based on the current COVID-19 case numbers, we have added further information on our measures.

Wednesday, October 21

We have completed the schedule for the Nerd101 with all topics and approaches. Thanks to Jannusch and Jakob! 🤗

We have evaluated the campus scavenger hunt. The award ceremony will take place today at 7 pm. Thanks to Anja! 🤗

We have added the link to Studying with Disabilities and Chronic Disease in the Guide.

We have added the links to the modules in the first semester in the guide. Thanks to Pascal! 🤗

Monday, October 19 (shortly before midnight)

We have added information about enrollment, campus scavenger hunt and attendance events. Registration starts on Tuesday, approx. 1 pm. We apologize for any inconvenience regarding infrastructure or communication during the various registration times ... #organizedByStudents

By the way ... to fix a broken website and having to be in the livestream for the moderation at the same time is quite difficult. Approved for you!

Sunday, October 18th & Monday Late-Night

  • We have published the first check-ins. Thanks to Anita and Pascal! 🤗
  • The introduction of the professors is at 13:00. We have corrected the mistake of 13:30.
  • The livestream, chat and guidelines are online.

We work day and night ... more pages will be filled.

Saturday, October 17th

  • We have added some information and notes for international students in the English version. Thanks to Bianca. 🤗

Friday, October 16th

  • We have updated the check-in area for general information.
  • We have added ESE-Speedfriending to the schedule.
  • We have added information about the festive matriculation in the schedule.