Important: Events marked with a orange border (green font color for the barrier free version) are of special interest to non-german speakers, as they offer support for english in one form or another.
Die Highlights der Woche
Hier eine kurze Übersicht des Programms. Änderungen werden auch über unsere sozialen Kanäle bekannt gegeben. Damit du nichts verpasst, folge uns einfach schon mal auf Twitter und Facebook. Es gibt übrigens auch eine eigene Facebook-Gruppe für alle Informatik-Studierenden eines Jahrgangs.
Im Zeitplan der ESE kannst du schon mal schauen, was dich alles erwartet. Dort gibt’s das Ganze auch in Form einer Tabelle oder einer iCal-Datei zum Download. Schau auf jeden Fall am Montag vorbei, dann werden wir dir erzählen, wie die Woche ablaufen wird.
Every day
Breakfast from 9.00 to 10.00
Your kitchen is not set up yet or you did not find your favourite bakery yet? We prepare breakfast for you every day, with rolls, coffee, tea, juice and all that goes with it. Of cause it is - like everything else in the ESE - for free.
Breakfast 9:00 Uhr
We start our day together with a nice breakfast. This is a great opportunity for you to meet your fellow students
Greeting and Tutorials 10:00 Uhr
After a new welcoming speeches, you'll get all the important informations you need for your first semester. Afterwards you get your amazing uni-bag with a lot of cool stuff
Lunch 12:30 Uhr
Let's take a break and get some food.
Meet the lecturers 13:30 Uhr
Foyer of the APB
This is your chance to get to know the professors before the lectures are starting. They are gonna talk about themself and what they are doing exactly.
Timeout - Get to know the faculty 15:30 Uhr
Foyer of the APB
Where can I go to study? If I need some advice for my study to whom can I talk? Follows us on a tour through the faculty and we answer all your questions. Besides you get the change to visit Prof. Nagels data center.
Games night and barbecue 18:30 Uhr
Foyer of the APB
Come to our games night, which takes place once a month in our faculty. But this time we have special games like speed-friends to you can meet a lot of new people. Also there will be a barbecue with drinks, meat and vegetarain/vega food.
Breakfast 9:00 Uhr
We start our day together with a nice breakfast. This is a great opportunity for you to meet your fellow students
Talks about the the Uni 10:00 Uhr
Just sit down and listen. You will get all the information about the university and your studies you'll need.
Lunch 12:00 Uhr
Let's take a break and get some food.
Campus scavenger hunt 13:00 Uhr
Foyer of the APB
Get to know our beautiful campus, solve riddles and get to know the other students while working as a team. And the best team can even win a price!
pre-party 18:00 Uhr
club Count Down
You would like more time to get to know your fellow students and maybe the student club Count Down as well? Use the time before the club tour starts to do so. We will provide games and some drinks.
Club tour 20:00 Uhr
club Count Down
Join us in experiencing Dresden's nightlife. On our tour of the student clubs you will even get the opportunity to meet students of other faculties as well. We will meet at Club Count Down.
Hiking tour 08:15 Uhr Start at Dresden Main Station on Platform 18
S1 to Schöna at 08.29 a.m.
Today is a bankholiday and we are going on a nice hiking tour through the Saxon Switzerland. Something totally different after yesterdays party. Since we can't change the weather (believe us we tried) please weare suitable clothes and on't forget to pack some lunch, bring water(!) and a camera.
Ascii Abend 20:00 Uhr APB/Ascii
The ascii is your chance to get involved with other students. The ascii always looks for new people. which want to help because it's fun and not because of money. If you would like to get to know the team and have a nice evening then come and join us.
Enrollment and never-ending breakfast in parallel 9:00 Uhr
This is one of the most impportant appointments of this week. We will sign you up for your timetable and we will give you some last important informations. Make sure you won't mis it!
Lunch 12:00 Uhr
Info-Market and time to get your welcome bag 13:00 Uhr
Lecture Hall Centre
Welcome bag handout starts at 2pm. Don't forget to bring your voucher.
Matriculation Celebration 16:00 Uhr
Lecture Hall Centre
Movie Night 20:15 Uhr
Kino im Kasten
Did you know what we have a student cinema? Join us and enjoy a 'secret movie'. Free entry!
Breakfast 8:00 Uhr
Seminar group meeting 9:00 Uhr Follow your mentor
Get to know your mentor and the other students from your seminar group. You can ask all the questions you couldn't ask so far. Meanwhile there are talks about studying abroad and the student council.
Seminar group meeting 11:00 Uhr Follow your mentor
Get to know your mentor and the other students from your seminar group. You can ask all the questions you couldn't ask so far. Meanwhile there are talks about studying abroad and the student council.
Lunch 13:00 Uhr
ESE-game 14:00 Uhr
Foyer of the APB
Bascially you will experience the whole first term in a few hours. Who will be successful, who will stop studying? Joins us on our last event of a fun week!
Guided city tour 13:00 Uhr
vor der Altmarktgalerie