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Unsere Do-it-yourself Stadtführung ist online. / Our do-it-yourself city tour is online. Check-in

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Check-in Enrollment


We will give you a review for all those who had problems today. Today 3 pm at the BBB:

Participants with ZIH-Login: Zur Konferenz

Participants without university login: Zur Konferenz

Let's go!

Please note that enrollment begins on Tuesday at approximately 9am.

To the Enrollment

When you enroll, we will give you a brief introduction to the most important systems for courses and other important resources. The whole thing will be done exemplary with the example of the seminar groups, because there will be no ready prepared schedules this year.

Preparation is everything

You should already be familiar with the Coupon-Portal once registered and your changed your start password to have access to your ZIH login.

Otherwise a microphone is helpful. A sufficiently fast Internet connection would also be good to ensure that your can share your screen.


The enrollment will take place on Tuesday from 9:00 am. You will be assigned a tutor via the Distribute-Tool, who will guide you through the whole process and help you with words and deeds.

Distribute will distribute you to Jitsi rooms. So that the tutors can see what you are doing and get more accurate instructions, it would be helpful if you could share your screen. If you don't have Jitsi yet you will find a small guide below.

What's going on here? (... oder auch "Jitsi-Guide")

Wie bereits erwähnt, finden die Gespräche in einem Jitsi-Raum statt. Jitsi ist eine freie Webanwendung, die Video-Calls ermöglicht. Damit ihr euer Gegenüber versteht und auch seht, wird euch Jitsi um die benötigten Berechtigungen bitten, wie auf dem folgenden Screenshots zu sehen ist:

Jitsi Mikrofon Erlaubnis

Of course you should allow the access. The same applies to the camera, you should also allow access to it to make the whole experience more personal.

The interface of Jitsi can be explained relatively quickly. At the bottom you can find buttons to enable/disable the microphone and the camera. The red button with the "X" can be used to leave the session:

Jitsi Lobby

The buttons in the lower left corner can be used to open a text chat or to share your screen. The button with the hand as icon is not as relevant. It is actually used to get attention during a conference. The three dots in the lower right corner open the settings. Here you can set the capturing quality, among other things.

If you share your screen, your browser will ask you which window you want to share. As you can only select single browser tabs, consider sharing your entire screen. Otherwise you can also share one tab and use it for everything. Here you might want to ask your tutor for assistance.

Jitsi Screenshare

Help, I've deleted the ESE!!1

If you have any problems, you can always contact a tutor or contact us at We can also provide you with help later, if the enrollment process was not entirely successful for you.