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Unsere Do-it-yourself Stadtführung ist online. / Our do-it-yourself city tour is online. Check-in

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Check-in Neustadt-Pubtour

Due to the new corona ordinance (general decree) and the increasing corona numbers, we had to rebuild the tour a bit, meaning that we won't do bar hopping, but instead walk through the Neustadt in groups of 10 and then find ourselves in a bar, and do not switch back and forth, unfortunately this cannot be changed due to the new hygiene concepts.


The following bars and pubs are available:

  • mondfisch
  • bla bla cafe (loisenstr. 24)
  • paradox
  • irish fiddler
  • bbc (alauenstr.)
  • little creatures
  • hoteldebotel
  • horst
  • zapfanstalt
  • red rooster
  • lebowski
  • studio bar (obergeschoss)
  • altes wettbüro

Please take a look at what appeals to you, so that grouping will be quick and smooth tomorrow and remember: arriving early ensures the best seats!

Everyone meets at 7 p.m. at communicated starting point. Please be on time because we are leaving at 7.10 p.m., because the tables are reserved for 7.30 p.m.