That's it. Vielen Dank für eine großartige ESE. Wir brauchen euer Feedback: Wie waren die Livestreams? War das ESE-Spiel fair? Sollte Manuel öfters singen? Braucht ihr mehr Nerd101's? Wie fandet ihr die Veranstaltungen? Lob, Kritik und liebe Worte gesucht! Feedback

Unsere Do-it-yourself Stadtführung ist online. / Our do-it-yourself city tour is online. Check-in

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Check-in Tutorials

Let's go!

Please note that the tutorials start on Monday at about 10am.

To the tutorials

First Contact

After the stream the tutorials are on the schedule. There, a Team of Tutors will await you with more information about this weeks plan and some general knowldge about studying in Dresden. There you can also find answers to all remaining questions you still have. 😊

To be able to divide you into small groups, we have developed a "Distribute" system. This system divides you into a queue and guides you randomly to a tutorial room. To do this you have to click on the button "JOIN QUEUE" in the upper right corner of the page.

A university without friends? 🤔 Unthinkable! And it's no fun either ... But dont worry, here you will have the first possibility to make new contacts. For that, it would be ideal if you could use a webcam and a microphone. If you lack the neccesary tools, you can also participate in the chat.

Hi, my name is!

Software? Hardware?

We advise you to use the browser Microsoft Edge (Chromium) or Chrome, since you could run into problems with other browsers. As soon as you enter the conference-room the program asks you toperform a sound- and videocheck.

If does not matter if you use Windows, Linux or macOS, as long as you have the right browser. We also advise you to use a PC or Laptop if possible.