Who can I contact if I have questions or problems?
In the ESE week you get to know many ESE tutors who love to help you with starting problems and are available for all possible questions. During the first semester you will have your seminar group tutors to help you, which you get to know in the ESE. For larger problems, there is the Fachschaftsrat and the student question-and-answer platform auditorium. We also invite you in the university-wide forum eXma to get in touch with other students.
In the areas of legal or social counseling the Studentenwerk Dresden and the Studentenrat provide different offers.
How does the timetable work?
In the first semester you don’t have to worry about this too much. In later semesters you will get lecture and exercise dates and then you will have to build your own schedule in jExam. For the first semester we have prepared several timetables in which you will enroll yourselves. You will then be in a seminar group along with all the others who have chosen this timetable. Please do not miss the corresponding meeting on Tuesday, it is very important.
How do I find my way around the campus?
In the campus scavenger hunt during the ESE you will already get to know the campus a little. Otherwise you can find both static maps and the campus navigator on the service side of the TU Dresden which support you in reaching your goals.
What can I expect at the start of the courses?
For the first semester you enrol yourself together with the tutors in the ESE week. The first time of each lecture you will usually get organizational information on individual subjects, but it is also advisable to check the website periodically for changes made to each subject, as there are often lecture notes or exercises provided.
What else do I have to think about?
If you move to Dresden this year, you should not forget to apply for the “Umzugsbeihilfe” in the period January-March 2015.
During the ESE week you get your Mensa card (remember to bring 5€ deposit and some more money to charge the card with. 10€ is recommended).
For lending books in the SLUB you need an account (which you can get for free). Information and the registration form can be found on the website of the library.
Those who want to can participate in one of the many offered sports courses, you just should not miss the deadline. You can find more information on the website of the USZ (University Sports Centre).
Changing your ZIH-password:
Please make sure to change your initial password by ESE Monday (6.10.). You can do so quite simply by visiting the TU’s IDM Portal.
My email is not working, what can I do?
What is important here is that you already changed your initial password (see above). If you have not done that yet, just change your password, wait about 1-2h and then try again. If necessary, you can then follow these instructions.
What times are classes held and when do I have “semester break”?
Each lecture or exercise is 90 minutes long, in between there are both a 20 minute breaks (time pattern of the TU Dresden). All events start on time, not c.t..
The academic calendar (days off, lecture-free time, etc.) can be found on the website of the TU Dresden. During the holidays after the first semester the Einführungspraktikum takes place for one of two weeks.