ESE on Facebook
- Facebookgroup of ESE 2015/16
- Facebookgroup for spare time: everything that is not directly related to the university
No Panic!
No Panic (ca. 3MB) is the brochure for the beginners. The brochure is currently available in German only. You’ll also receive it in printed form during the ESE.
- general information (de) (University Counselling Center)
- Fachschaftsrat Informatik (iFSR)
- Students’ Union (de) (StuRa)
All about education
- Faculty of Computer Science
- Institutes and Facilities
- Email at the ZIH (s…
- jExam (de) (online enrolment) – Enrolment for new students takes place in the ESE week!
- Course timetables
- Exams
- Enrollment
- Exam Office (de)
For foreign students – DSE, CL students and exchange students, who are just staying for 1-2 terms at this faculty, the ‘Service Center for International Students’ in room INF/2018 carries responsibility. - Regulations (de)
- Counseling (de)
- Foreign languages (de)
- studium generale (de)
- refectories and cafeterias (de)
- campus navigator (de) (including search for rooms and lecture halls)
- Dreamspark (de) (free licences of microsoft products)
- ASCII (de) (Café of the Faculty of Computer Science)
- SLUB (library)
- Information about residence for educational purposes (
- student union (general information and counseling)
- housing association Dresden
- saxon housing association (de)
- registration offices (de)
- Semesterticket (de) (StuRa)
- DVB (Dresden local traffic)
- VVO (de) (intercity transport)
- ODEG (en) (intercity transport)