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Unsere Do-it-yourself Stadtführung ist online. / Our do-it-yourself city tour is online. Check-in


The tutors individually specify the language of the lecture (de or en) in line with the participants.

Schedule & Access

Eduroam and VPN SetupJannuschFreshman13:00 - 14:00BBB1
Shell BasicsJakobFreshman13:00 - 13:30BBB2
sshViktorBeginner13:30 - 14:00BBB2
gpg & s/mime (Email Encryption)JannuschBeginner14:00 - 14:30BBB1
git1Niklas, TimBeginner14:15 - 15:00BBB2
\LaTeXJakobBeginner14:30 - 15:00BBB1
Strangler Snake 3 (Python)PatrikBeginner15:00 - 16:00BBB1
Introduction to Cyber Security and Privacy on the InternetNiklas, EmmanuelBeginner15:00 - 16:00BBB2
vimManuelBeginner16:00 - 17:00BBB1

1How to Install Git on Linux, Mac or Windows
